Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eyeshield 21 [manga]

I was pretty free today because there is neither new manga chapter nor new anime episode had been upload. So I go to took a peek on EYESHIELD 21 manga. At first I just having a peek to see how is the manga ended is it like the anime not really satisfied which just end with the semi-final of Kantou tournament with Demoin Devil Bats against Ojou White Knight. But it out of my prediction, that the manga even go until the final of Kantou Tournament, Christmas Bowl, and even the Young World Cup. Wow really impressive, you must have a look to it. Even though the ending is not really satisfied either but is better than the anime.

There is also some different in anime with manga in the part of character. Musashi hair style is better in manga ..XD.. suit him better , and then Yukimitsu the baldy he is look better in the anime XD ..and many more.

I will upload more about some funny thing in the manga
and also the battle in here too ..XD

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